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How To Stop Being A Perfectionist

Perfectionists are their own worst enemies. There is nothing more frustrating than wanting everything to be perfect, but they aren’t. You may be asking yourself, “Am I a perfectionist?” If you identify yourself as one, it means you have this uncontrollable urge to want everything to be perfect or complete.

Your ability to perform at a higher level than most people around you makes you feel special. At one point, however, when this feeling is left uncontrolled, you may demand the same high standards from everyone else.

This is when the idea of perfection becomes a problem. Are you a perfectionist? If you are, then you better read along to find out how you can stop being one. 

When Does Perfectionism Become A Problem?

Being a perfectionist is not a problem at all. In fact, it is considered as an edge against others who are not perfectionists. 

Those who desire perfection at all times always exert more effort in everything they...

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Stop Wasting Opportunities

Everyone gets their own set of opportunities with which to work. They come with different starting points and work at their own pace. Everyone is born with their own set of skills and unique talents that they can take advantage of or not.

Even though our life circumstances may differ, one thing is true for everyone: we are all given a choice to become better at what we do. No matter where you choose to begin, you can always do something about your situation. You basically have three options. You can push yourself forward, stay where you are, or slide back to how you were yesterday. 

How Do You Value Time?

When it comes to effective team leadership, the value you put on time is one of the most influential standards you could create for your team. It takes some time to train them to have the same thinking as yours, but it will be worth it in the end. 

After all, when it comes to leading others, you must help them understand how their actions affect...

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How Graphotherapy Can Transform Your Life

What is graphotherapy, and how can it transform your life? Graphotherapy is a process by which conscious alterations to your handwriting process can be done to affect the desired change in your personality subconsciously. 

Graphotherapy, or also known as graphical re-learning, is a branch of graphology whose goal is to modify a person's graphical gesture. It is done consciously, but its expected effect is aimed at the subconscious level. The desired changes in the personality of an individual are what is targeted in the process. 

Its main goal is to improve one's chances of bringing about many changes in their lives. While it may be your first time talking to a handwriting expert, it will not be your last.

How Does Your Handwriting Affect You?

Normally, when you write, your brain is in charge of sending the message to the nerves in your arms and your hand. In this process, the brain controls what you write and how the message will be put together. 


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Overcoming Depression Through Inner Dialogue

How do you help yourself get up when your mind keeps telling you you can’t? What kind of help can you give yourself when it seems as if even your own mind has given up on you? This is what it feels like for people who are suffering from depression. It seems there is nothing they can do about their lives because of what their mind tells them. 

Has it become hard for you to get out of bed to go to work? You once thought it was all laziness, but then you realized, either through self-reflection or through visiting a therapist, that it might actually be depression keeping you down. You don’t have the energy to do things, and you don’t feel like doing anything at all because your brain tells you that you can’t do it or that you are not good enough. 

If you keep hearing voices in your head telling you that you can’t do something, how will you ever begin to fight it?

What Does It Mean To Battle With Depression?

Fighting depression is...

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Dealing With Constant Changes In Your Life

Change is the only thing constant in this world. So is the stress that comes with it. Overcoming the fear that comes with change can be quite a challenge, especially when you don’t know what you are aiming for exactly. 

Whether it is your work or your personal life, there is nothing that remains the same for long. No matter how small or big the change may be, it can come with confusing or scary effects on your life. 

Sadly, when this happens, people get stuck because they don’t know how to handle stress. They freeze up because of their anxiety, not knowing what to do next or how to move on. 

Stop and think about it. Have you ever thought of how many life changes you’ve gone through? There is what they call the quarter-life crisis. Perhaps you’ve already had this one. After that, you will have to deal with a mid-life crisis. And then you have to go through various changes in between including teenage angst, cold feet before getting married,...

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Change Is Easier With A Positive Relationship With Yourself

Change is the only thing that is constant in this world. If you don’t allow yourself to change, you will be stuck where you are, not growing or improving. 

But then, not all the changes that we go through are the kind that we really want. Sometimes, you need to go through a change that you are just not prepared for. What do you do then?

What Is The Truth About Change?

Change is hard. Whoever said that change is easy has never gone through a real change. It is never easy. Whenever it feels like it is easy, then it’s not a genuine change

For example, when you need to move to a new house, something smaller than where you used to live. Downsizing could mean a lot of things, but it mainly means you need to let go of the many things that you own, but cannot fit in your new home. 

Moving in itself can be stressful, but downsizing puts the icing on the cake. It only makes moving even more taxing. 

Change is not easy. No matter what...

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Our Great Transformation Begins Now!

We are living in exceptional times. The advent of Covid-19 has brought about a destabilization to the world's economic and social systems, and life will never be the same.

Now is the ultimate time to go inside and truly embody the shift. If we do nothing, if we don't change, grow, or learn from these experiences, then the world will not evolve.

If you are ready to make a big transcendent change in your life, step into a higher reality, and live in a state of opportunity, instead of scarcity and fear - come and experience the Seven-Day Transformation Now -

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Building Organizational Habits To Support Your Spiritual Life

How often do you feel like you’re life’s one big mess? Your house is full of clutter, you keep forgetting important things that you should do, and your schedule is so packed that you barely have time to catch your breath. If this sounds like your life right now, then it’s time to do something about it. Otherwise, you’ll continue living like you’re running on a hamster wheel. You may think you’re doing so much already, but you’re not getting anywhere. 

What Does It Mean To Be Well-Organized?

Being a well-organized person is not just about your ability to get things done, but also about your capacity to set aside time and energy for other aspects of your life, like family, friends, hobbies, faith, or spirituality. These areas of our existence are also vital in ensuring that we live a meaningful life, and not spend our days grinding it out at work. 

If you want to have more time for yourself and the things you love...

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3 Techniques To Overcome Distraction And Refocus Yourself

You’ve already imagined it; today is going to be a productive day. You’ll finally finish your tasks and get it all over with. As you turn your computer on, you look at your to-do list and see everything you have to get done neatly spread before you. You feel optimistic because it’s only nine in the morning, and you have the whole day ahead. But you start receiving emails that seem urgent, so you tell yourself that you’ll reply to the emails first and then get on with the tasks. 

Just when you’re about to finish, your colleague comments on the latest news, so you get curious and Google it. You spend the next ten minutes browsing through different news websites and get sucked into the world of celebrity gossip. The next thing you know, your coworkers are inviting you to join them for lunch. The whole morning has passed without you being able to do anything productive. 

Does this scenario sound familiar to you? It could be television, social...

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Facing The Root Cause Of Your Fear

What could be causing all your problems? While it may be easy to say that it’s just pure bad luck, the truth is that people deal with so many issues because they have allowed their fears to control them.

While it may not always be evident how debt, procrastination, and relationship problems are related to fear, somehow, it seems every problem is rooted in dealing with it.

Teach yourself how to overcome fear in life, and you will have a fuller existence. But where do you begin? How do you start telling yourself to go on and do what makes you happy?

Fear is everywhere, but your source of comfort could come from anywhere too. When you teach yourself to be fearless, you open yourself up to more opportunities for growth and learning. In the long run, you will benefit from overcoming those fears and teaching yourself to be more open.

What Are You So Afraid Of?

Your fear has prevented you from doing the things that make your soul soar. To begin dealing with...

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